We generate accurate and representative typical years for any place on earth. You can choose from more than 30 different weather parameters.

Our database consists of all over the world point weather climatic information, five geostationary satellites and a globally calibrated aerosol climatology. On this basis, sophisticated interpolation models, provide results with high accuracy worldwide. More than 30 different output climate file formats offer maximum flexibility. All this file formats are accurately used in solar energy applications, building design, heating & cooling systems, education, agriculture, forestry and many more.



Available file Formats

36 different predefined export formats are available. They cover most of the established simulation software in solar energy applications and building design. All export formats are available for hourly as well as monthly values.

  • Standard

Standard format with global radiation, diffuse radiation, radiation on inclined plane, direct normal radiation and temperature

  • Meteo

  Format with standard meteorological parameters (only monthly values)

  • Standard minute

Format for minute models with global radiation, diffuse radiation, radiation on inclined plane, direct normal radiation, clearsky radiation, temperature and wind speed

  • Humidity

Format with humidity parameters

  • Spectral/UV

Format with UVA/B/E radiation parameters

  • Standard/opt.

Format to calculate the optimal tilt and azimuth of a plane (optimal for yearly yield, only monthly values)



Export formats for buildings


Format for simulation tool TRNSYS


Format for simulation tool HELIOS-PC

  • DOE

Format for simulation tool DOE-2


Format for simulation tool Lesosai (monthly values)

  • Energyplus

Format for simulation tool Energyplus (EPW format)

  • Dynbil

Format for simulation tool Dynbil

  • PHPP/Wave

Format for simulation tool PHPP (< version 8) and Wave

  • PHPP 8

Format for simulation tool PHPP (version 8)


Format for simulation tool WUFI / WAC


Format for simulation tool IDA/ICE


Format for simulation tool IBK-CCM

  • VIP-Energy

Format of simulation tool VIP-Energy (Strusoft)

  • Pleiades/Comfie

Format for simulation tool Pleiades/Comfie

Output formats for PV


Format for simulation tool PVSOL (Valentin)

  • PVSyst

Format for simulation tool PVSyst

  • Polysun

Format for simulation tool Polysun (Vela Solaris)

  • Meteo matrix

Meteo matrix format (SUPSI)


Output formats for solar thermal applications

  • TSOL

Format for simulation tool TSOL (Valentin)

  • Polysun

Format for simulation tool Polysun (Vela Solaris)

  • Solar-Ripp

Format for simulation tool of Solar-Ripp



General formats

  • TMY2

Typical Meteorological Year Format 2 (NREL)

  • TMY3

Typical Meteorological Year Format 3 (NREL)

  • Solar plant design feasibility
  • Solar home design

On grid

Off grid

  • Wind turbine energy production
  • Renewable hybrid energy feasibility