Dr. Emir Huseynov
Head of the department of Urban Planning and Sustainable Development in IEEA academy
Bachelor in Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (1997).
Master of Science in Urban planning and Architecture (1999). PhD on Reconstruction and continuity of development of the historical environment (2004). Assoc.prof. (2004). ScD on Urban planning and Sustainable Development (2018).
Publications: The main theses were published in the volumes of 40 international and local conferences. The results of researches are released in more than 95 scientific works and up to 30 of them were published in USA, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Italy, Portugal, China, Egypt, Turkey, Poland, Romania. Since 2016, he is editor in chief of research journal of “Urbanizm”
Practice: Besides his superintendent in strategic master plan projects on Regional Developments, promoting of Green Architecture, Urban Planning, Cities Sustainability, he has leaded the new development of Urban Centers in Sumgait and Khirdalan towns, Project “Green structure” of Ganja City, Methodology of Urban Planning of the Sustainable Cities of Azerbaijan, Planning of strategy development of Urban Agglomerations in Aran’s economic area, New Residential Quantum in White City, Master Plan of Khirdalan Ecological Town and the concept of Urban Development of Airport highway direction.