Dr. Gustav R. Grob,
President, International Sustainable Energy Organization, Switzerland |
Dr. Gustav R. Grob serves as Vice-President of Hymobil AG. Dr. Grob serves as Chief Editor of Blueprint for the Clean, Sustainable Energy Age. He serves as President of the International Clean Energy Consortium ICEC, which he co-founded shorlty after the 2nd World Climate Conference to respond to the urgent need for a clean, sustainable energy economy. In 2002, as Executive-Secretary and initiator, Dr. Grob founded the International Sustainable Energy Organization (ISEO), which coordinates global efforts towards clean and renewable energies. ISEO combines the work of many UN and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and is a driving force towards a global energy legislation and standardization. He serves as Board Chairman of the Investment Fund Inc. Blue Planet. Dr. Grob serves as Member of Advisory Board at Space Energy AG. He serves as Board Member of International Energy Foundation (IEF). He is an expert on renewable energy and has been a key speaker at a number of high profile environmental conferences including the historic UN Climate Conference in Rio de Janeiro (1992) and the International Conference for Renewable Energies in Bonn (2004). Dr. Grob is the author of numerous publications on energy, sustainable development, standardization and business ethics. | ![]() |
Prof. Yuri A.Tabunchikov, President ABOK,
Russia |
Yury Andreevich Tabunshchikov is a Soviet and Russian scientist, teacher, doctor of technical sciences, corresponding member of RAASN, professor, head of the department of MARKhI, editor-in-chief of the magazine “ABOK” and deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine “Energy saving”. From 1990 to the present, he is president of NP “ABOK” (non-commercial partnership “Engineers for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, heat supply and construction thermal physics”). The main directions of scientific activity – mathematical modeling of the thermal conditions of buildings; development of normative documents; experimental studies of the thermal conditions of buildings in extreme climatic conditions. Under the guidance of Yu. A. Tabunshchikov 22 specialists defended PhD theses and four – doctoral. The author of more than 400 scientific works, including seven monographs, including “Mathematical modeling of the thermal conditions of buildings”, published in the US in English, as well as co-author of the first textbook for architectural specialties “Engineering equipment of buildings and structures.” Yu. A. Tabunshchikov is the initiator of the organization and holding of the conference and exhibition “Moscow – an energy-efficient city”, held since 1993, the congresses of NP “ABOK”, the international symposium “Power of large cities”. | ![]() |
Prof.Dr. Sh. Takada, Kobe University,
Japan |
Doctor of engineering, professor of Kobe University, expert in lifeline earthquake engineering and urban disaster mitigation, Japan. Assistant professor Kyoto University, Japan, 1972-1974. From associate professor to professor Kobe University, Japan, since 1974. Research associate Columbia University, New York City, 1977-1978. Visiting engineer Weidlinger Associates, New York City, 1977-1978. Invited researcher United Nations, Tehran, 1992. Analysis of jointed pipelines crossing faults by a purpose-made speciaized program. No.7 203-212 2002 Artificial neural network (ANN) modeling for earthquake damage detection in water distribution system. 2003 Seismic Damage Analysis of Water Networks. 2003 Damage and Restoration Process of Water Supply Systems during the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake: A Comparison with the 1982 Urakawa Earthquake. 67-80 2003 Seismic Performance and Design of Buried Two Layered Renewal Pipelines. 81-92 2003 Research on seismic reliability of lifelines |
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Professor Bilal T.Bilalov
Azerbaijan |
Head of Non-harmonic Analysis Department of ANAS Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of ANAS. Bilal Telman oglu Bilalov was born on January 2, 1963 in the village of Farahli, Gazakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1986, M.V. Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Applied Mathematics. 1986-1989 – graduate student of the Moscow State University. In 1989 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences at MSU on the theme “Completeness and bases of some special systems” under the guidance of academic Y.I.Moiseyev. In 1993-1996 he was admitted to the doctorate at the Moscow State University and in 1996 he defended his doctoral thesis for the degree of Doctor of Physico-mathematical sciences on “Baseline properties of upper systems and their generalization”. Since that time, he worked as a senior scientific worker and senior scientific worker at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS. Since 2002 he is the Head of Non-harmonic Analysis Department. Professor in 2009, corresponding member of ANAS since 2014. |
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Professor Murad Q.Mamedov Azerbaijan |
Murad Mamedov – Virologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor in Virology and Professor in Immunology, Vice-President of International Ecoenergy Academy, Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Deserved Physician of the Azerbaijan Republic, Deputy Director of National Center of Oncology, Chairman of the Ministry of Health “Commission for Management of Hepatitis B and C prevention, diagnostic and treatment”, lecturer of A.Aliev’s Azerbaijan Physicians Improvement Institute, Editor-in-Chief of “Biomedicine” and “Modern Achievements of Azerbaijan Medicine” Journals, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of “Azerbaijan Journal of Oncology”, Editorial Board Member of Scientific Journals: “Ecoenergetics” (Baku), “Mir virusnikh gepatitov” (Moscow), “Medical Virology” (Moscow), “Hepatology” (Lvov), “Farmaciya Kazakhstana” (Almaty), “Karantinnyie i zoonoznyie infekcii v Kazakhstane” (Almaty), “Intellekt” (Georgia), the author of 31 monographs and more than 500 scientific articles. He is scientific supervisor of 4 doctoral and 24 PhD theses. | ![]() |
Farhad F.Aliyev, PhD
Azerbaijan |
Education: Bachelor in Finance and Economics at the Azerbaijan State Economic University (1995). Master of Science in Industrial Engineering Concentrated in Management of Technology at the University of Miami (2000). MBA in International Business and Marketing (2004), PhD on Sustainable Energy Development at the Atlantic International University (2015). Publications: Up to ten (10) published articles including co-author of the International Dictionary of energy terms in English-Russian-Azerbaijani and the Textbook of Ecology. Author data: In addition to his career in oil and gas corporate world he held positions at the different scientific and pilot projects in promoting Renewable Energy Sources usage, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Development, Green Economy, and Environmentally Friendly Technologies. Scientific-research fields: Such projects include, UNIDO-ICHET Pilot Project (United Nation Industrial Development Organizations-International Center for Hydrogen Energy Technologies) to establish Hydrogen Filling Station Plant. Mr. Aliyev performed as adviser on USAID Fund Project to promote Advocacy Campaign on “Effective Utilization of Renewable Energy” in the region. Since, middle of the 2011, Mr. Aliyev was an expert on the European Union’s (EU) New Energy Support Reforms Program Project: “Improvement of Azerbaijan’s legislation relating to Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency and its bringing in conformity to the EU legislation under EU Program” | ![]() |
Natig H.Pasha – PhD, Assoc.Prof.
Azerbaijan |
Labor activity; Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences RSXM (1992- 2017), Engineer, scientific worker, senior scientific worker; At Qafqaz University (1997-2017) – Head of Educational Unit, Head of Administrative Affairs Office, Secretary General, Vice Rector for Public Relations. Member of the Seminar in the dissertation council of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS, member of the Presidium of the BEA and member of the Board of “FOVQAL” Union of Professionals. In 2007 he was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan for his successful activity in educational work. He is the author of about 40 scientific works. Field of research: seismic risk, assessment of seismic hazard, study of economic losses of destructive earthquakes, role of socio-economic factors in losses in destructive earthquakes.
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