Vice President for Earthquake and Landslide
Prof.Dr.Sh.Takada is doctor of engineering, professor of Kobe University, expert in lifeline earthquake engineering and urban disaster mitigation,Japan.
He is as well as assistant professor of Kyoto University, Japan, 1972-1974. From associate professor to professor Kobe University, Japan, since 1974. Research associate Columbia University, New York City, 1977-1978. Visiting engineer Weidlinger Associates, New York City, 1977-1978. Invited researcher United Nations, Tehran, 1992.
Analysis of jointed pipelines crossing faults by a purpose-made speciaized program. No.7 203-212 2002
Artificial neural network (ANN) modeling for earthquake damage detection in water distribution system. 2003
Seismic Damage Analysis of Water Networks. 2003
Damage and Restoration Process of Water Supply Systems during the 2003 Tokachi-oki
Earthquake: A Comparison with the 1982 Urakawa Earthquake.
67-80 2003
Seismic Performance and Design of Buried Two Layered Renewal Pipelines. 81-92 2003
Research on seismic reliability of lifelines