Vice President for Biomedicine

Murad Mamedov – Virologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor in Virology and Professor in Immunology, Vice-President of International Ecoenergy Academy, Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Deserved Physician of the Azerbaijan Republic, Deputy Director of National Center of Oncology, Chairman of the Ministry of Health “Commission for Management of Hepatitis B and C prevention, diagnostic and treatment”, lecturer of A.Aliev’s Azerbaijan Physicians Improvement Institute, Editor-in-Chief of “Biomedicine” and “Modern Achievements of Azerbaijan Medicine” Journals, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of “Azerbaijan Journal of Oncology”, Editorial Board Member of Scientific Journals: “Ecoenergetics” (Baku), “Mir virusnikh gepatitov” (Moscow), “Medical Virology” (Moscow), “Hepatology” (Lvov), “Farmaciya Kazakhstana” (Almaty), “Karantinnyie i zoonoznyie infekcii v Kazakhstane” (Almaty), “Intellekt” (Georgia), the author of 31 monographs and more than 500 scientific articles. He is scientific supervisor of 4 doctoral and 24 PhD theses.