Geological Engineering in Geosciences (Physics & Chemistry of Minerals, Geo-Chemistry)
Senior Prefessor Mineralogist, Gemologist (Gemstones), Archaeo-Gemologist, Forensic Gemologist, and jeweler


The person was born in 1963 in Izmir-Turkey. After he graduated at geological engineering from the department of Geosciens of the Engineering Faculty of Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir in 1984, he received his B.Sc. (1988) with a thesis, named “Natural and artificial colorings of minerals and gemstones”, and Ph.D. (1996) with the thesis, named

“Mineralogical and gemological examination of Çubuk (Ankara) agates”, from the Mineralogy-Petrography Program of the Department of Geological Engineeing of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences at the same University. These postgraduate theses are the first theses with scientific gemological topics in YÖK (Council of Higher Education of Turkey).

Dr. Hatipoğlu has begun to academical carrier as a founder and staff academic member as mineralogist, gemmologist, archaegemologist, and jeweler in “Gemology, Jewelry and Design Program” of Izmir Vocational School of Dokuz Eylul University. He is currently professor as senior staff, and head of the Program, and also director of its Gemmological Testing Laboratory (DGL). Thus, he has added more than 1.000 delegates to the jewelry’s sector. On the other hand, in 2005, Dr. Hatipoglu has organized as graduate program, named as Natural Building Stones and Gemstones in the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Dokuz Eylul University. He is also currently professor as senior staff and supervisor in the Graduate School. So far, while supervising by Dr. Hatipoglu only, 12 of graduate students have been success the required mineralogical and gemological courses, they have graduated with important gemology theses from the same school.

Thus, he has had for thirty-five years of academically executive experience on the physico-chemistry identifications and reports, geological formation, and mining of gems- minerals. His current research studies are on the gem materials of Turkey as well as worldwide, especially geological occurrences and gemmological and mineralogical material characteristics of diamond, corundum, beryl, topaz, diaspore, all kind of quartzes, kammererite, turkiyenite (purple jade), boron minerals, and petrified woods etc.

Academically, Murat Hatipoğlu serves as the first judge of almost all articles submitted on gemology in scientific journals indexed by SCI under Elsevier, Springer and Francis & Taylor.

Dr. Hatipoğlu has the members of some important asscociations of geosciens in Turkey (such as, Turkish Geological Society (ID:3188), the Chamber of Geological Engineers (ID:2989), the Department of Geosciences Institution (ID:102), and also the Asscociation for the Protection of the Geological Heritage (ID:57).

Dr. Hatipoğlu has founded the Museum of Anatolian Gemstones where is Turkey’s gemstone potential is displayed collectively in Dokuz Eylul University in 1985. In addition, after he had set up diamond and colored stone facet cutting units, it has been started a scientific guide to the public and professionals about lapidary other gemological interests. In addition, by establishing the Dokuz Eylul Gemology Test Laboratory (DGL) in 2001, it has been started to give official certificates to all kinds of rough and polished gemstones (diamonds, colored stones and pearls).

Accordingly, Dr. Hatipoğlu is specialist and expert on mineral characterization which can be evaluated the spectroscopical and microscopical methods using dispersive confocal Micro-Raman, all kinds of luminescence spectra, XRD, chemical analyses, atomic force microscopy, FT-IR, SEM.

Dr. Hatipoğlu has published about 212 scientific papers of articles and proceedings (in English and Turkish), in additon 8 of the gemological text books (in Turkish), and 2 of the research papers (in Turkish), and also 2 of the standards of Turkish Standards Institute (TSE)